Welcome to Chinnydipper

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  • All affiliate payments will be made on the 15th of each month 45 days in arrears. Payments will be made via BACS or PayPal
  • Commission will be calculated on the total sale minus any shipping costs or discounts.
  • Any earnings from your commission are your sole responsibility to declare in your own tax return.
  • You will receive an email when an order is made under your referral link and when any payments are made out on commission.
  • Cookies will be stored for up to 30 days meaning if someone clicks on your link on day 1 but doesn’t purchase until day 30 your commission will be paid as normal. Any visits from your customers outside of this time period won’t generate commission.  So just make sure they always go in via the link on your site.
  • You will be provided with your own app and login code to track all referrals and sales otherwise you can check on the desktop back office.